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What do you Desire?

1. A wish or longing.
2. A request or petition.
3. The object of longing:
4. Sexual appetite; passion.

No apologies, this is another John Mayer lyric reflection with life.

So young and full of running, all the way to the edge of desire
Steady my breathing, silently screaming,
“I have to have you now”
Wired and I’m tired
Think I’ll sleep in my clothes on the floor
Maybe this mattress will spin on its axis and find me on yours

Desire dictates, controls and drives humans as though we were a character in a role playing video game. It lies behind every action, power-up, spell cast and energy boost of the character. Desire incites humans to make amazing efforts. But lets pause the action for just a moment to reflect on and analyse desire, which appears to be so central in our lives.
We all suffer from desire, so what is it?
What are its origins?
Can we live without it?
Does finding what we desire lead to ultimate satisfaction with our lives?
Does happiness depend on fulfilling our desires?

Evidence suggests that if humans don’t acquire what they desire it can cause sadness, an emptiness or a void in their souls. This in turn brings about a feeling of lacking, unworthiness… inadequacy.
We seem to feel the need to chase our desires in a vain attempt to fill these “gaps”. Because society often tells us that acquiring these desirable things makes us worthy of merit, it means we’re “good enough”… and it boosts our often fragile self esteem.
But we always seem to desire the things we think we cant have, is it because without them we feel inadequate? So to fulfil that desire makes us feel more complete?
Then if we do gain these things, because the desire is no longer there, we move on to desire something even more unattainable. When will this end!?

I made an assumption there about what the desired things were.

So, before acquisition of our desires, are we empty?… and after acquisition are we still left feeling empty? Is this why material possession never provides us with lasting, real satisfaction with life?… and can even force some of us to fall into a habit of continuous pursuit of material desires to sustain perceived happiness.

As I think the song lyric says, forget material stuff, it really is only about a desire for companionship, be that for affection, friendship, romance or unconditional love.

Are you on the edge of desire?

About OOK_Librarian

Geek, who worries about lots of stuff


One thought on “What do you Desire?

  1. It’s pretty scary that the people in charge do tend to judge the populous on how many things they acquire, or can acquire with their wage. The idea that fulfilment comes from following your heart is lost on them.

    We as humans, as people; individuals and as a collective, love to chase our dreams and think we always should. It’s when we think our dreams are dead that the greyness sets in. Saying that, we just need to make sure what we desire and go for is worthy. Worthy of our attentions and that pure desire.

    Money don’t me a thing my brother.

    Posted by Edward Kendrick | May 4, 2013, 9:53 pm

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