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Life Changing

Where are you going?

a. The act of traveling from one place to another; a trip.
b. A distance to be traveled or the time required for a trip:
c. A process or course likened to traveling; a passage: the journey of life.

Life does sometimes seem like you’re constantly traveling from one place to another doesn’t it? And where does it get you? Does it make you happy? Does it fulfill your ambitions? Does it help you to help others?

Think back to a time when you had dreams, ones that fly higher than the ones you have now, when you wanted to visit places and paint pictures to help you remember, do exciting things, explore the World around you and not care what others thought about your dreams.

Chances are, there came a time when, others joked about your dreams, you “failed” an exam, you got a job then unconsciously but reluctantly settled into “life.” In this new “life” which you “enjoy” you tell people, you, work hard, play fast, “enjoy” your material possessions, “deal” with pressure….. but find yourself spending a large percentage of your time exhausted.

This is just a prediction, but do you use the phrase “If only” very often?

In February 2012 an article in the Guardian published these statements

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

They are the top five regrets of the dying recorded by a nurse.


No mention of nice cars, big houses, XBoxes or iPhones……..

Convert these to questions

1. What do YOU really enjoy doing?
2. How can YOU work less but maintain a comfortable lifestyle?.
3. Who can YOU express YOUR feelings to?
4. Who do YOU like to spend time with?.
5. How can YOU make a difference?

Other than reading this, please have a go at answering those questions, write down YOUR answers and try to fulfill one of them in 2014. It would be great to hear your stories x

Then reflect on the words of Galadriel from The Fellowship of the Ring

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

About OOK_Librarian

Geek, who worries about lots of stuff


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